Conventional vacations are just as hectic as our daily lives.
Experience a better vacation from daily life at Under Canvas when you Retreat from Normal.
retreat from normal
Billboards will be placed at airports, bus stations, and subways, the very places that people need to retreat from to have a real vacation.
The urban sanctum
To give people a taste of the experience at Under Canvas, we will set up a soundproof tent in the middle of a bustling city that will offer yoga and meditation sessions.
The Intimate renewal
In the midst of the chaos of Coachella, Under Canvas gives people the chance to unplug with a special after event where electronic artists will perform intimate, acoustic sets, unique from their normal spectacular productions.
The daily retreat
A special series of Under Canvas-inspired Headspace meditations will allow people the chance to unplug and retreat from their daily stress.
tHE Rider’s Refuge
A key piece of Retreating from Normal involves the exercise and exploration that you get hiking in these beautiful locations. Peloton users can get a preview of this experience when they bike the trails of Under Canvas.
When they leave Under Canvas, people will have the chance to take a piece of their experience back: first, with analog recordings of the nature sounds at the parks and campgrounds and second, with the option of putting the pictures from your vacation into a View Master disc.
Art Director: Andrew Brown